
2022 october - JCT

First appearence of my Theory.

In this theoretical model I spend almost third of my time.

2021 December - joined Citi

I am glad that I was able to move back to Hungary and work in a truly global company.

Citi is in around 160 country with around 200 000 employee.

2021 april - youtube videos

I just make some fan videos for Open Perpetuum, an MMORPG, what truly resonates with me.

2020 - 2021 - brainster

data science bootcamp – certified

our final project see the github link below

2020 - Inda Perpetuum

Personal webpage, logo idea.

2019 - android setup

I made a fully custom android setup for my phone. I used Nova Launcher and KWGT widget mainly.

2018 - android setup

First custom android setup, after I bought my Samsung Galaxy S8.

2015 -infographics

I was the leader of the team who made this infographics.
I came up the idea, I made the research on the subject.

Thank you to Matias Varga, Nora Morvay !

We managed to get into the 5 best from the candidates, which was an IBM campaign.

2010 - Perpetuum

I started to play a game what shaped my future, called Perpetuum!

I learned a lot, mainly learned English.

Also made a lot of things, the logo and the corporation I ran. The effort about Perpetuum still ongoing.

Check out Open Perpetuum Project!

2010 - power point template

I just made a Power Point template for one of my presentation about education. This material is Hungarian.